Tuesday 1 September 2009

Eco chic style...green is in!

Yes, I’m sure we are all aware of the earth’s current environmental situation, but do we really know the consequences of our actions or the effects of ‘going green?’

Every year in the UK, our consumer driven society collectively purchases 2.15 million tonnes of new clothing and shoes and throws out over 900,000 million old items. These discarded items go to landfill causing problems as most synthetic products do not decompose. The thrown away materials create enough environmental problems on their own, but have you ever thought about how those unwanted clothes and shoes which you once poured over, desperate to buy, got onto the rails? The manufacturing and transport of consumer goods use up virgin resources faster than they can grow. Manufacturers use toxic chemicals to speed up the growth of cotton, just so you can line their pockets faster and get your hands on this seasons must have item. The vehicles that transport these goods also use vast amounts of energy and emits dangerous gases, adding to the threat of climate change, which according to the World Health Organisation kills an estimated 150,000 a year through various natural disasters triggered by the rise in temperature such as flooding and heat waves.

These are harrowing facts, but before you vow never to shop again (because we both know it would be a lie!) There are eco-friendly ways for you to shop, spend and dress to impress. Here are a few simple ideas to get you starting on your eco fashion quest...

1) Clothes swap
Why not arrange with your friends to bring all your unwanted (washed) clothes together and have a clothes swapping party. Some clothes you don’t want but can’t quite gather up the courage to give to charity, at least if your friend is wearing it you can appreciate it from afar, and if you change your mind you can always ask nicely for it back! Females, clothes and a little vino is the perfect recipe for a good night in. Ones girls trash is another girls treasure!

2) Vintage shopping
You can find some truly amazing pieces if you look hard enough, and vintage shops have it all, one offs, unique styles and cheaper price-tags. Separate yourself from the Primani Brigade by purchasing a few key vintage pieces and become the envy of all your friends. You’ll soon find yourself shrugging smugly whilst saying in a nonchalant voice ‘oh this old thing? Cost a fiver’

3) Stitch ‘n’ Bitch
How many of you have a top or skirt in the wardrobe that you love, and often take off the hanger with the intention of wearing only to find you try it on and opt for an alternative? You know who you are. Chances are there may be some tiny fault in it, maybe you don’t quite like the fit, or the trim is too fussy, or it’s a fraction to tight. By altering your clothes you can give them a new lease of life. Find or start a group in your area at www. stitchnbitch.org

4) Don’t shop, TRAID

Be shop smart and look up clothes companies that are environmentally friendly. The company TRAID transforms donated clothes into new items for resale in traid stores. traid aims to help the environment by cutting down excess textile waste sent to landfill and providing a stylish alternative to buying new. For information go to www.traid.org.uk

So there you have it. You can help save the planet, whilst updating your wardrobe, sounds like a plan to me.

Saturday 8 August 2009

Happy birthday Barbie!

Pauls Boutique has released a limited edition range of Barbie inspired bags in black and pink to celebrate Barbies big 5-0.

At £80 a pop, they are not cheap, but they are so fantabulous, its definately worth it. Immediately brighten up your wardrobe with this patent piece of eye candy.

Pauls Boutique Loves Barbie Customised Patent Twister Bag

.Contrast embroidered barbie motif to front
.Twist clasp, twin handles and ribbon corsage

lifelong leathers

Leather jackets have been creeping in and out of our wardrobes for years, and it looks like they're out to stay...
This spring we saw little cropped leathers adorning the shoulders of our pretty frill frocks or studded versions over our vintage tee and jegging combos. This autumn/winter 09 season continues to showcase our leather look with sharp shoulders, zips, grunge and studs making a comeback. Invest in a classic piece for a timeless purchase you can wear any season, invest today and wear forever.
Topshop Leather mix boker jacket £125
available from www.topshop.com
Lipsy waterfall frill leather bomber jacket-was £140- now £70
Miss Selfridge Leather stud biker £110

The media and ethics: compatible or controversial?

Journalism and ethics have been described by some as contrasting ideas, and similarly the concept of ethics in the media has been depicted as an oxymoron because of the apparent hypocrisy of using lies to discover other deceits. This is because of the negative stigma attached to the attitude of the media and the industry behind it.

Journalists can be seen as cut-throat and immoral, driven by the competitive nature of their job. Abiding by the codes of conduct is not always the highest priority of some journalists. In spite of this, there is clearly a very strict ethic code that must be followed. Many journalists do follow this code religiously and it is their sole aim to write great articles or inform the public accurately of news and events.

Journalists must only publish work that meets all the criteria of the code which includes truth and accuracy, impartiality and diversity of opinion, editorial integrity and independence, serving the public interest, fairness, privacy, harm and offence, accountability and protection of children. Everyone has rights, and these rights help us to establish ourselves as free agents in the world. However not all rights are absolute, and there are some instances where the violation of these rights can be justified for the greater good.

In today's society, the subject of celebrity has become more talked about than ever before. With weekly magazines and papers sales increasing rapidly and the publics new found thirst for gossip, it seems those in the public eye have little choice but to give in to the media and be prepared to bare all. Whether to blame the celebrity or the media is hard to decide, but when the paparazzi’s favourite pop star is gallivanting through the streets of Hollywood wearing barely anything more than her porcelain fitted smile, you can hardly blame them. However, the media have played a huge role in creating this frenzy, the hype of certain public figures or celebrities always stems from what scandal makes the papers front page. Many politicians, singers, actors and models are highly sought after by the press because of their status in their industry and popularity within the public. However in desperation for fame, some people feel that in order to get the publicity they crave, they must put themselves in the public eye, kiss and tell stories are a good example of this. By putting forward their stories to the press, they are inviting the media in to analyze and scrutinise them, and create a ‘Faustian pact’ where they are happy to divulge information about themselves in order to secure their coverage by the media.

Whilst many people trying to encourage press attention, there are also many who try to avoid it. If a public figure tries to hide information about themselves that should be public knowledge or tries to cover up a corruption, we the public, have a right to the truth. It is a journalist’s job to uncover the truth and to inform the public, assuming that there is already sufficient evidence to justify the intrusion. Some people would argue that when exposing a corruption, the journalist is not really invading someone’s privacy as the information never belonged to them in the first place as well as the fact that other people had a right to this knowledge.

Despite all of this, not everyone in the public eye has volunteered themselves for such intrusions. Victims of disasters, Criminals, relatives of public figures for example have been thrust into the mercy of the media without consent. In these cases the journalist should make sure they are respectful of their rights to privacy. As long as a journalist follows the ethic code there should not be any issues involving the mistreatment of those that do not wish to be in the public eye, unfortunately this is not always the case.

So where do we draw the line? should there be rules to determine how far the media can invade ones privacy? Public figure or not, everyone has equal rights, rights to privacy and rights not to be violated, nobody should be treated differently. It would seem that because there is a demand from the public, the press feel it is somehow their duty to supply this demand. Nevertheless, this is not a valid justification for the invasion of ones privacy or rights. To evaluate whether Public figures have rights to privacy which journalists should respect, we need to first define what the rights of privacy entail and whether there is ever a justified reason for violation of these rights.
Philosopher W.A.Parent states that privacy is,‘the condition of not having undocumented personal knowledge about one possessed by others. A person’s privacy is diminished exactly to the degree that others possess this kind of information about him.’ Parents approach to privacy supports the view that the main purpose of our privacy is to prevent other social groups controlling us by using our personal information as a weapon. Privacy rights appear to be an extension of property rights according to Parent, however he does not take into account the idea that we may conduct private affairs in public areas, Parent also assumes all private issues are in some way a weakness and can and will be used to others advantage. This is untrue, there is no reason why we cannot have personal issues we wish to keep private for our own explanations, such as a married couple are not ashamed of their sex life, however they may not wish to share this experience with anyone else as it is intimate and between them. Some may argue that privacy is not just the exposure of personal information, but also the invasion of certain ‘zones’ in our lives, such as personal relationships, our personal space, our activities or business. Matthew Kieran, media ethics expert and author supports this view and argues for the importance of privacy because,‘We consider privacy to be intrinsically valuable since it allows for intimacy and thus the space within which certain personal activities, relationships, and goods can flourish.’

Privacy is an essential part of our personal development, without it we would not have to room to explore and discover new areas of our lives and relationships that we may not be ready to expose to others yet. Moral philosopher James Rachels', claims that it is crucial for the growth of a personal friendship that there is an aspect of privacy between the two people to share issues between themselves which they can bond over. It is because of this bond that we feel our relationships are intimate, and much needed friendships can progress. For those in the public eye, it is almost more important that they have a support system of friends as they work in such high pressured environments, which can put strain on their mental well-being. However without their right to privacy, it becomes hard to form the kinds of connections between friends that civilians can. James Rachels, an ethics specialist, states that‘ if we cannot control who has access to us, sometimes including and sometimes excluding various people, then we cannot control the patterns of behaviour we adopt… or the kinds of relations with other people that we will have’

Wrongly made accusations and slander can impinge on our capacity to pursue valuable private goals, people may become prejudiced against someone because of a private issue that has been exposed. The right to privacy is there to protect us from false allegations and to allow us to prosper. However, if a deceit is discovered about someone in the public eye, does this immediately justify its disclosure? Many public figures have had truths about their personal lives revealed in the press. These revelations may have no connection at all to how they conduct themselves in their work, it seems unfair that many civilians can live immoral personal lives and still go to work without the fear of condemnation from their colleagues or the public. The allegations brought up about public figures are generally totally irrelevant, such as issues in their marriage or how they spend their free time. Nevertheless, it is understandable that if the public have made a democratic vote to put someone in power they should be informed if that person is not fulfilling promises to them or is involved in any corrupt doings.

What is reasonable privacy should be based on the persons position and lifestyle. At what point does the public interest override reasonable privacy rights. When regarding rights to privacy there are many different ideas of what counts as private and what rights we may have to violate other rights. Thomas Scanlon, Harvard philosopher, explains that there are privacy ‘norms’ and also social rules that we automatically follow, these social rules could be acts such as not going through someone’s belongings or not staring through peoples windows. As the examples get more extreme, such as reading other peoples mail or stalking, there are laws set in place to protect our rights. Whether we are civilians or public figures we should all have the same rights, the rights of those in the public eye seem to have become neglected by the media as the stakes get higher and the paycheques larger.

It is quite clear that at times the press goes a lot further than they know they should when trying to get that million dollar picture or headline. The society we live in has proven that whilst fame is a virtue, it is also a burden at the same time and it seems those in the spotlight are paying the price for it. Journalism is more competitive than ever and it seems journalists will go to extreme lengths to get their story. The death of Princess Diana is a perfect example of when things may have gone too far. The media appear to have been the number one culprit to the cause of the car crash that Princess Diana died in. The paparazzi seemingly caused her driver to race off at an illegal speed to try to protect the Princess’s privacy, and ultimately this concluded with her death. Other examples such as the coverage of Prince Harry’s location in the army could have been life threatening for him and his troops. Exposure and other violations from the media can be the cause of great chaos, some things are kept hidden for a reason and it is not a journalist’s job to disclose private information, only to inform the public on a need to know basis. There has been a shift in the way journalism is being projected and although it is the public’s interest in certain events, it is the responsibility of the media to cater to this whilst still attaining their reliability. The media need the public to trust them as Kieran points out, ‘If the public do not trust the media’s reports…then reliable news coverage is difficult to achieve.’

The public have become weary of the press and have lost some of their respect for certain aspects of the media, such a reality television shows, or papers filled with kiss and tell stories or deceitful documentaries. This is all because the media have overstepped the mark, on more than one occasion and the public have become very aware of this, as have the celebrities.

Journalists should have respect for public figures rights to privacy, or anyone’s right to privacy for that matter. The public need to know information that is informative, accurate, truthful and relevant. Private issues or personal information about those in the limelight is in no way significant. This violation of ones personal life clearly goes against the ethical codes that journalists must obey. Not only does it go against the journalist’s specific code of conduct, it also goes against our own moral integrity and social codes that we have been taught from a young age. There is no excuse for a journalist to uncover personal truths about a public figure unless the public have a right to know. Public figures, like civilians, have a right to privacy and nobody, journalist or otherwise, has the right to violate them.


Kieran, Matthew. ‘Media Ethics’, a Philosophical Approach, page 65,75. (Praeger Publishers September 30, 1997)

Parent, W.A. ‘Privacy, Morality and the Law’ in Philosophical issues in Journalism, page 92, ed. Elliot D.Cohen (New York: Oxford University Press)

Rachels, James. ‘Why Privacy is Important’ in Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy, page 296. ed.Ferdinand D.Schoeman (New York: Cambridge University Press,1984)

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Beauty, Style or fashion –is there any difference?

Beauty, style and fashion. These three words are often muddled up, interchanged and translated to have similar meanings. This, however, could not be any further from the truth...
Style is the product of an individual’s personal flair, it is how we can identify ourselves as individuals and try to separate ourselves from the masses. The brave eccentrics create their own style. They piece together tat and clothing from decades gone whilst incorporating new ideas and audacious shapes, giving themselves an aura of what the French would say ‘Je ne sais quoi.’ These eccentrics are often ridiculed. They stand as a beacon of light and strive to show the world that it’s ok to be unique. Some of these eccentrics become the fashion designers, icons and legends we worship today. It only takes one person who dares to be different to revolutionize the way we see the world. Non-believers will tut, raise an eyebrow and query, ‘Why do you care? Why bother?’

I’m positive these eccentrics would all agree in unison, the sole and collective reason is simple and universal.


Beauty is their inspiration; subjective, untouchable, inconceivable and quintessentially perfect within its own imperfections.

Monday 20 April 2009

The Ultimate Shoe Boot!

These Kurt Geiger boots named ‘Embankment’ from the new Fashionista range are a definite must have.

These are the perfect solution for teaming with that floaty little coral dress this summer, giving your pretty outfit a hard edge or alternatively with black leggings and a evening top. Also their ability to transfer straight into our autumn/winter wardrobe is a big plus.

Think of them as an investment,1 pair of shoe boots to last multiple seasons, at £200 that’s a bargain if you ask me!

Regrettable one night stand? Don’t blame yourself entirely, you could be one of the many victims of the PUA

Ever wondered how you ended up talking to ‘that guy’ in the bar? Perhaps you were at a friends birthday do, or just out for your weekend lash up, yet somehow you’ve been reeled into a long conversation, aided by your fourth glass of wine, with a stranger you would never have looked twice at without your beer goggles. So who is ‘that guy’ and why are you telling him your life story? This gentleman before you could in fact be an undercover PUA.

The term PUA is an abbreviation for the phrase ‘Pick Up Artist’, and unknown to most women, this is a growing community of men who research techniques of conversational topics, body language and psychological tricks all with one purpose in mind, to get you into bed.

Don’t panic! Not every man you speak to is trying to get into your undergarments or plotting to have his way with you, and there are some good uns’ out there.
However, there is an ever expanding online community of PUA’s, making this ‘art’ accessible to anyone. They have forums where they give each other advice and swap articles. They even offer subscriptions to the truly dedicated which I’m sure include the deep, dark and sacred secrets of the most successful PUA’s.

There are some who have been trained up by their PUA coaches, researched into the female psyche and even gone to ‘PUA boot-camp’ in hope of becoming the ultimate pulling machine. Articles online from http://www.pualife.net/ include: ‘The essence of being cool’, ‘How to get straight A’s in masculinity’ and ‘How to get time alone with a girl in a club.’

In an article named ‘5 reasons why dating isn’t fair for men’, reason 2 reads...

“A very small portion of the women that are alive are as perfect and beautiful as the women in Playboy and other magazines, and therefore it’s impossible for every man to have a woman that is this beautiful. How unfair.”

…what a hard life it must be for men. As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, it distresses me greatly that there are actually men out there that follow these philosophies. Not only are these creeps, sorry ‘pick up artists’, sly and manipulative, they also have unbelievably high standards. I thought beggars couldn’t be choosers?!?

The burning question is, does this give men an unfair advantage? After briefly browsing through some of these sites, they remind me of a woman’s weekly advice section. Surely these tips aren’t top secret they are just common sense for the socially inept. Can any harm really be done by giving those in need of help that encouraging pat on the back? Or is it more a case of removing the stabilisers whilst the child is still on the bike? Teaching men to hunt in packs and lull women into a false sense of security when you really have nothing in common (you just haven’t realised this yet) sounds to me like a bit of a time-bomb.

You end up with two alternative scenarios. The first situation causes you to get trapped in a conversation with an equivalent of the office geek whilst you desperately make SOS signals to your friends, you eventually make you excuses or just leave. You’ve wasted half an hour of drinking time, and your PUA is left with a bruised ego and a determination to prove that his PUA monthly subscription was worth it. Nobody is a winner here. Or second where your PUA has followed his rehearsed scripts and convinced you that you and he are the next Bonny and Clyde as he holds the taxi door open for you and winks goodbye to his mates. The first scenario creates a repetitive cycle of ego bashing for our so called ‘PUA’s’ and wasted time and an increased loathing for losers in bars for their victims, not to mention driving away any other good looking potential partners.

If there is genuine chemistry between two people, fair enough, but if your simply susceptible to the charms of the apparent one ‘good apple’ in the never ending batch of ‘bad apples’ you don’t stand a chance. It will only be a matter of time before you realise your Prince Charming is in fact just a frog and you got it all wrong and kissed it, and to make matters worse now you have frog breath!

What happened to letting nature take its course? What happened to the old fashioned way of meeting new people and if you like each other, result. Men can seem a little out of touch with the female sex at times, but the human race is still alive so their natural powers of seduction can’t be that bad. Women don’t want a con artist, we want someone genuine, it doesn’t matter what advice a website gives men on the inner secrets of the female mind, you either get on or you don’t. At the end of the day, if you would just take us for dinner, admit we are always right, hold open the odd door here and there and let us record Hollyoaks over match of the day, we’d be putty.

Stephanie Lamey

Contrasting Ideas or Opposite attraction?

Religion Tulip Wrap Shirt Dress £50.25

ASOS Cream And Black Paneling Bodycon dress £40.00

Ted Baker Contrast Shirt Detail Mini Dress £95.00
All available from http://www.asos.com/

I never used to be a fan of the black and white dress, however as my clothes tastes have matured, I find myself lured in by the sophisticated touch of combining black and white for a eye catching yet classy ensemble suitable for anyone from blonde to brunette, pale or tanned. The magic of monochrome will create optical illusions and mean the lines formed can really emphasise your curves or alternatively draw attention away from unwanted areas. If black is slimming and white is fresh, then these opposites will definitely cause attraction.

...If your paycheck has come in, this little beauty will definitely set you aside from the crowd! The Fendi tulle sleeveless dress however will set you back
Available at www.net-a-porter.com