Tuesday 1 September 2009

Eco chic style...green is in!

Yes, I’m sure we are all aware of the earth’s current environmental situation, but do we really know the consequences of our actions or the effects of ‘going green?’

Every year in the UK, our consumer driven society collectively purchases 2.15 million tonnes of new clothing and shoes and throws out over 900,000 million old items. These discarded items go to landfill causing problems as most synthetic products do not decompose. The thrown away materials create enough environmental problems on their own, but have you ever thought about how those unwanted clothes and shoes which you once poured over, desperate to buy, got onto the rails? The manufacturing and transport of consumer goods use up virgin resources faster than they can grow. Manufacturers use toxic chemicals to speed up the growth of cotton, just so you can line their pockets faster and get your hands on this seasons must have item. The vehicles that transport these goods also use vast amounts of energy and emits dangerous gases, adding to the threat of climate change, which according to the World Health Organisation kills an estimated 150,000 a year through various natural disasters triggered by the rise in temperature such as flooding and heat waves.

These are harrowing facts, but before you vow never to shop again (because we both know it would be a lie!) There are eco-friendly ways for you to shop, spend and dress to impress. Here are a few simple ideas to get you starting on your eco fashion quest...

1) Clothes swap
Why not arrange with your friends to bring all your unwanted (washed) clothes together and have a clothes swapping party. Some clothes you don’t want but can’t quite gather up the courage to give to charity, at least if your friend is wearing it you can appreciate it from afar, and if you change your mind you can always ask nicely for it back! Females, clothes and a little vino is the perfect recipe for a good night in. Ones girls trash is another girls treasure!

2) Vintage shopping
You can find some truly amazing pieces if you look hard enough, and vintage shops have it all, one offs, unique styles and cheaper price-tags. Separate yourself from the Primani Brigade by purchasing a few key vintage pieces and become the envy of all your friends. You’ll soon find yourself shrugging smugly whilst saying in a nonchalant voice ‘oh this old thing? Cost a fiver’

3) Stitch ‘n’ Bitch
How many of you have a top or skirt in the wardrobe that you love, and often take off the hanger with the intention of wearing only to find you try it on and opt for an alternative? You know who you are. Chances are there may be some tiny fault in it, maybe you don’t quite like the fit, or the trim is too fussy, or it’s a fraction to tight. By altering your clothes you can give them a new lease of life. Find or start a group in your area at www. stitchnbitch.org

4) Don’t shop, TRAID

Be shop smart and look up clothes companies that are environmentally friendly. The company TRAID transforms donated clothes into new items for resale in traid stores. traid aims to help the environment by cutting down excess textile waste sent to landfill and providing a stylish alternative to buying new. For information go to www.traid.org.uk

So there you have it. You can help save the planet, whilst updating your wardrobe, sounds like a plan to me.

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